
Moderate Kitchens

Kitchen temperatures change with the weather and if you heat or cool your home. You may use the moderate recipe only or, more likely, all three at different times. If you don’t know what temperature your kitchen is read our post How to tell what temperature my kitchen is and we have some hints below. Otherwise, your sourdough will tell you and you don’t want it to be too late! Be the #easy boss of your sourdough! 😊

What is a moderate kitchen?

A lot of kitchens are moderate, most of the time. Even when the weather outside is winter or summer temperatures. Being naturally comfortable within a moderate temperature range ourselves, a lot of people tend to heat their homes when it’s cold and cool them when it’s hot. This means their kitchen is kept within a moderate temperature range most of the year.

Moderate temperature range 19°C to 23°C (66°F to 74°F)

Moderate feels like…
You’re wearing a T-shirt or light long sleeved top and you’re not too hot or too cold. You’re just right.

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Writer, Designer, Creative, Sydney Sider.

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