
Cool Kitchens

Kitchen temperatures change with the weather and they can differ to the seasons if you heat or cool your home. You may use the moderate recipe only, but more likely, you will use all three recipes at different times.

If you don’t know what temperature your kitchen is read our post How to tell what temperature my kitchen is and we have some hints below. Otherwise, your sourdough will tell you and you don’t want it to be too late! Be the #easy boss of your sourdough! 😊

What is a cool kitchen?

A kitchen is naturally COOL during mid-season and winter when temperatures stay around or below 18°C (65°F) in your kitchen. If you heat your house a lot, especially during mid-season and winter, your kitchen is likely to be moderate. However, if you turn the heating off overnight and during the day when you’re out, your kitchen will probably be cool. It takes longer for sourdough to activate in cool environments, but it will! If you want to speed up the process or your sourdough is not activating, see our COOL kitchen hack.

Cool temperature rage is frequently 18°C (65°F) or less.

Cool feels like…
You’re wearing a jumper or dressing gown, slippers etc and you’re not hot. The air may be a little cool to the touch.

If your kitchen is constantly below 15°C (59°F) your sourdough may not activate. Try our COOL kitchen hack to get around this.

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Writer, Designer, Creative, Sydney Sider.

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